(Originally published 1/25/11)
Since moving to New Mexico, Stregheria, the tradition of Italian witches seems more relevant to me. I find myself looking at perfumes, oils and charms in hoodoo catalogues and thinking, what's in this? How can I make this myself? A friend of mine once told me the best way to study Stregheria is too read up on herbs. Your ancestors will take care of the rest. He was right. Every time my boyfriend and I cook I'm consiously aware of the building blocks we're using; what goes where, how should you prepare this, cut that? When we made pasta with meat sauce from scratch, I knew we were eating the experience of our efforts. Stregheria, as Charles Leland said, is a little more than a tradition and less than a faith.
When working with a long running structure like traditional Stregheria, there is always going to be belief involved. Leland wrote in his Etruscan Roman Remains on the topic, "Closely allied to the belief in these old deities, is a vast mass of curious tradition, such as that there is a spirit of every element or thing created, as for instance of every plant and mineral, and a guardian or leading spirit of all animals..." In this case, Leland was writing about animism, which is a core belief to traditional streghe.
The streghe work with several sources of energy. Aside from Italy's famous spirits we can also tap into the Judeo-Christian saints and angels. St. Lucy, for instance, is invoked in several spells to cure bad eyesight while St. Peter is invoked during baking and his mystical role of "Opener of the Ways".
About a week before moving my interest in jewelry and accessories grew. Thrift store jewelry and rings have always been a favorite indulgence of mine. Now I know why. I'm attracted to the simple magic of them, the way they can discreetly alter your day. I always wear at least one or two rings, a necklace or some kind of bracelet or band. It doesn't have to be bear any witchy design. It just has to be on you the right day, shining like a partner or tool. What is your totem, your message on any given Monday that might be different from Tuesday or Thursday? I never know what I'm going to wear until I'm facing the closet. I never plan in advance. The same can be said for clothes. A witch, especially a strega employs magnetism as part of her craft.
Meditation doesn't seem as urgent for the moment. I seem to be capable of tuning in easier here, call it the atmosphere. Instead I'm making use of dream bags and Tarot cards. I've been more excited by the Tarot than ever! Oracle cards have a higher rank in my interest. The appetite I have for cards is the same as my interest in jewelry: innate, sudden, growing. Naturally, fortune telling (particularly cartomancy) is a major tool of streghe.
I've come to realize in the course of writing this that the move was good for my spirit too. I needed a new grove to nest in, to plant myself. I learned about all I could from the trains, botanicas, buses and mixed neighborhoods of Minneapolis. These realizations occurred as soon as I trusted myself here. I have to admit, I'm growing as a strega and not just as a woman.